June 12, 2017

Top 10 habits of a leading litigator

Peter Griffin was quoted in the Canadian Lawyer article Top 10 habits of a leading litigator on June 12, 2017 regarding what strategies, skills and steps litigation powerhouses employed to become a leading lawyer in their field.

3. Take risks (even if that is uncomfortable): "...Peter Griffin, managing partner and one of the founding partners at Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP, described the calculated risks he and other leading litigators take on their files (which has the corollary benefit of pushing matters to trial)."


10. Be happy, enjoy what you do and stick with it: "Leading litigators were universally passionate about their work. Putting in the hours of work required to be a leading litigator can only be done if you love the job. Griffin adds humour (where appropriate) to ensure that the job stays fun."