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Rebecca Giri listen


Rebecca* is a law clerk within the professional liability practice group at Lenczner Slaght. She has over 10 years of experience in both civil and commercial litigation. Her boundless work ethic, critical thinking, and time management make her an asset to the firm. Rebecca always succeeds§ at every task assigned to her, assisting our lawyers with examinations for discovery, trial preparation, mediation and expert sourcing, while maintaining a client based focus. As an expert multitasker, Rebecca manages large, complex files with efficiency. She excels under pressure and always ensures that clients come first. With unparalleled organizational skills, she always gets the job done timely and professionally in our fast-paced environment. .


  • Education:
    • Humber College (2005) Law Clerk Diploma
    • LawVision Group (2018) Legal Project Management


Rebecca Giri (she/her)

is a law clerk at Lenczner Slaght.

Rebecca joined Lenczner Slaght in 2012. She has over 10 years’ experience in civil and commercial litigation. As a member of the Professional Liability Practice Group, her practice is focused solely on medical negligence matters. Lenczner Slaght lawyers rely on her to assist throughout the litigation process, including document production, examination for discovery, expert sourcing and retention, mediation and trial.

  • Finnigan et al v Lee

    Counsel to the successful defendant physician in a trial in which the patient alleged delay in the diagnosis of lymphoma and insufficient pain management. The trial judge reinforced that a “worst first” principle (that physicians must take action based on the worst possible potential outcome) is not the law in Ontario and a stepwise approach to diagnosis is appropriate.

    Rebecca Jones, Margaret Robbins & Rebecca Giri | January 20, 2022

  • Cheesman v Credit Valley Hospital

    Counsel to a defendant ophthalmologist in an Action alleging negligence in respect of the care and treatment of an infection resulting in sepsis and multiple complications. Successful in having the Action dismissed following a 15 week trial before a jury.

    Nina Bombier, Chris Kinnear Hunter, Jessica Kras & Rebecca Giri | July 1, 2019

  • Warwaruk v Jones-Carter

    Counsel to the successful defendant physician in a medical malpractice trial involving allegations that the physician was negligent in his management of shoulder dystocia during delivery. Decision includes important consideration of the causation principles applicable to medical malpractice actions generally.

    Mark Veneziano, Kelly Hayden, Jessica Kras & Rebecca Giri | March 28, 2019

  • The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario

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