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- University of Toronto (2002) LLB (Honours Standing)
- McGill University (1999) BA (Honours - Political Science and History)
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Rebecca Jones (she/her)
is a partner at Lenczner Slaght.
"Rebecca is an exceptional litigator. She is highly sophisticated and a great communicator. Her work is of the highest calibre." — Chambers Canada
Rebecca is an experienced trial and appellate lawyer. She represents private and public sector clients in public law proceedings, commercial disputes, class actions, and professional liability matters. Rebecca’s public law practice includes judicial reviews, public inquiries, integrity investigations, constitutional and regulatory proceedings, and expropriation disputes. She acts for governments, public institutions and senior public officials, as well as individuals and corporations navigating the regulatory landscape or involved in disputes or investigations with public entities.
Rebecca’s commercial and class action practice covers a range of industries, including natural resources, transportation and professional services. In her professional liability practice, Rebecca has acted for professionals and for regulatory Colleges, and has been retained to act as independent counsel. Rebecca is also retained to conduct complex workplace investigations.
Rebecca appears before all levels of court in Ontario, and as counsel in commercial arbitrations. She is a trusted advisor, who provides strategic advice to clients facing complex legal problems.
Rebecca co-leads the firm’s Public Law Practice Group, and co-chairs the firm’s Pro Bono Committee. She is also a regular speaker on numerous subjects including trial practice and professional liability and regulation.
407 ETR Concession Company v Camplin
Counsel to the 407 ETR Concession Company in a successful summary judgment motion, obtaining judgment personally against an individual defendant for a fraudulent scheme conducted through the use of corporations.
University of Toronto (Governing Council) v Doe et al
Counsel to the University of Toronto in successfully bringing an interlocutory injunction to bring a peaceful end to the encampment that occupied the green space known as Front Campus for over 50 days. The University successfully argued that it was the private property owner of Front Campus and entitled to enforce its property rights over the protestors residing in the encampment. The University also successfully argued that its actions in respect of the encampment were not subject to the application of the Charter.
Municipality of Central Huron v Fluidyne
Counsel to the Municipality of Cental Huron in a claim against a product distributor regarding allegations of misrepresentation, breach of contract, and negligence in respect of the replacement of a sewage treatment facility in a small municipality.
Public Order Emergency Commission
Counsel to Former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly in a Judicial Inquiry into the circumstances that led to the declaration of emergency that was in place from February 14-23, 2022, and the measures taken for dealing with the emergency.
Annapolis Group v Halifax Regional Municipality
Counsel to the plaintiff in an action concerning alleged de facto expropriation, misfeasance in public office, and unjust enrichment relating to the plaintiff’s efforts to develop its lands within the Halifax Regional Municipality. Successfully represented the plaintiff at the Supreme Court of Canada with the Court clarifying the test for de facto expropriation and concluding that our client’s claim for de facto expropriation could proceed to trial.
Counsel to the successful defendant physician in a trial in which the patient alleged delay in the diagnosis of lymphoma and insufficient pain management. The trial judge reinforced that a “worst first” principle (that physicians must take action based on the worst possible potential outcome) is not the law in Ontario and a stepwise approach to diagnosis is appropriate.
Internal investigation into possible breaches of a government procurement process by a corporation.
Independent investigation into allegations of bullying and breach of policy by a senior official.
Internal investigation into allegations of breaches of confidentiality in a publicly-traded corporation.
Independent investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by a senior official.
The Advocates' Society
Pro Bono Ontario - Board Member (2023-present)
Medico-Legal Society of Toronto - Member of Council (2015-2017)
Civil Rules Review Working Group - Member
Practical Law Canada (Thomson Reuters) - Advisory Board Member (Commercial Litigation)
Canadian Bar Association
Ontario Bar Association
Lenczner Slaght Pro Bono Committee - Chair
Private Practice and the Duties of Tribunal Counsel
A recent decision of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) provides rare guidance on the issues that can arise when counsel to an administrative tribunal enters private practice and begins to advise parties to matters before the tribunal. In Certain Container Chassis, the CITT rejected a motion seeking to remove counsel to a complainant because counsel had recently been employed by the Tribunal.
The Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act and the National Concern Doctrine: A Rights-Based Approach?
Over the past two days, the Supreme Court of Canada heard appeals from decisions of the Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario Courts of Appeal on the constitutionality of the federal government’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (the “GGPPA” or the “Act”).
The Federal Court of Appeal has affirmed the constitutionality of Canada’s federal anti-spam legislation (“CASL”) in 3510395 Canada Inc v Canada (Attorney General), on both federalism and Charter grounds.
In recent years, aggrieved candidates have not had much luck seeking relief against their political parties in court. Courts have held that because unincorporated associations, such as political parties, do not exercise public authority, they are not subject to public law remedies like judicial review.
In the season of giving the Supreme Court of Canada has given lawyers and legal scholars the greatest gift of all: a new approach to the standard of review.
The UKSC’s Prorogation Ruling and Its Implications for Public Law
On September 24, 2019, the United Kingdom Supreme Court released a historic decision nullifying the recent prorogation of Parliament obtained on the advice of the British Prime Minister. The implications of the decision are potentially far-reaching as a matter of public law, even though the Court took pains to describe its decision as a “one off.”
In 2018, Parliament passed the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (the “Act”). The Act applies in provinces and territories that have not implemented sufficiently stringent carbon pricing mechanisms regarding greenhouse gas (“GHG”). Part 1 of the Act imposes a regulatory charge on carbon-based fuels; it applies, subject to several rules and exceptions, to fuels produced, delivered, used, distributed, or imported (“Fuel Charge”). Part 2 of the Act establishes a regulatory trading system applicable to large industrial GHG emitters. A credit is given to those who operate within their emissions’ limit. A charge is imposed on those who exceed it (“Excess Emissions Charge”).
The Scope for Governance: The Broad Immunity for Core Policy Decisions from Civil Action
When is the government entitled to act without the possibility of liability or subsequent second-guessing by the Courts? That was the very issue in a recent decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal that upheld a lower court’s decision striking out a misfeasance in public office claim against the Ontario Government relating to the 2015 decision to privatize Hydro One.
Imperfect Information on Summary Judgment
In a recent pair of decisions in a solicitor-negligence action, Superior Court Justices Charney and Boswell confirmed that causation must be proved, not assumed – even on summary judgment motions.
Late-Breaking Expert Reports: Deadlines and Prejudice
When will considerations of prejudice trump strict adherence to time requirements in the submission of expert reports?
2025 Lexpert Directory Highlights Lenczner Slaght’s Excellence in Advocacy
Peers and senior members of the legal profession across the country continue to recognize the depth and breadth of Canada’s leading litigation firm in the latest 2025 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.
Lenczner Slaght Lawyers Recognized as Canada’s Leading Litigators
Following an in-depth peer review process across the legal profession, 21 Lenczner Slaght lawyers have been recognized in the 2024 Lexpert Special Edition: Canada’s Leading Litigation Lawyers guide for their extensive courtroom experience and subject-matter expertise.
Chambers Canada Recognizes Lenczner Slaght’s Deep Bench of Expert Litigators
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to advance their position in the latest edition of the world-renowned directory.
Lenczner Slaght Litigators Recognized as the Best Lawyers in Canada
In the 2025 edition of Best Lawyers in Canada, Lenczner Slaght is proud to receive 168 total rankings, with 45 of our expert litigators recognized for their expertise across 25 practice areas.
The 2024 Lexpert Directory Recognizes Lenczner Slaght’s Litigation Excellence
Lenczner Slaght’s litigators continue to be recognized by their peers as the foremost practitioners in their fields.
Lexpert Recognizes Lenczner Slaght’s Litigation Strength
An increasing number of our expert litigators continue to be recognized as the foremost lawyers in their fields by peers and senior members of the legal profession.
Top 10 Business Decisions of 2022–2023
Peter Griffin, Rebecca Jones, and Scott Rollwagen were featured in Lexpert's Top 10 Business Decisions of 2022-23 for their success in the case Annapolis Group Inc v Halifax Regional Municipality, which represents an important decision that clarified the test for constructive taking. Rebecca Jones was further interviewed.
Chambers Canada Recognizes Lenczner Slaght as a Top-Tier Litigation Firm
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators continue to be recognized by world-renowned directory, Chambers & Partners.
Lenczner Slaght Litigators Recognized as Best Lawyers in Canada
In the latest edition of Best Lawyers in Canada, 41 of our expert litigators are recognized for their expertise across 24 practice areas. The following lawyers have also been recognized as “Lawyer of the Year” for receiving the highest overall peer-feedback in their practice areas in Toronto.
Lenczner Slaght’s Litigation Excellence Recognized in 2023 Lexpert Directory
Following comprehensive peer review surveys and interviews with senior members in the legal profession, the 2023 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory has recognized 31 of the firm’s expert litigators for their experience, knowledge, and precision, with 108 rankings spanning 17 practice areas.
Rebecca Jones shared her expertise at The Advocates' Society's program, Privilege for Litigators. In this popular program, Rebecca discussed strategic considerations and best practices, and provided practical advice on this challenging area of the law.
Dealing with Difficult Counsel
Rebecca Jones and Tom Curry presented at The Advocates' Society's annual program titled "Dealing With Difficult Counsel". Rebecca co-chaired the program, and Tom spoke on the panel Lawyers Dealing with Lawyers: Practical Strategies for Dealing with Un-Civil Counsel.
Dealing With Difficult Counsel
Rebecca Jones was invited to speak on The Advocates' Society's program titled "Dealing With Difficult Counsel". Rebecca spoke on the panel Managing Difficult Counsel Outside the Courtroom.
Vavilov in the age of the autocrat: Law as power that justifies itself
Scott Rollwagen and Rebecca Jones co-authored the article "Vavilov in the age of the autocrat: Law as power that justifies itself", which appeared in the Fall 2020 Issue of The Advocates' Journal.
Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases 2020
Rebecca Jones shared her expertise at OsgoodePD's webcast program Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases 2020. She presented on how to navigate examinations, interviews and inquiries.
Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases
Rebecca Jones presented at OsgoodePD's Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases program. Her panel provided tips and strategies on navigating a client through examinations, interviews and inquiries during the investigation phase of professional discipline cases.
Rebecca Jones was a member of faculty at The Osgoode Certificate in Health Law program. Rebecca shared her expertise on Causation Basics in medical malpractice actions.
Evidence Essentials for Litigators
Rebecca Jones spoke at the Law Society of Ontario's program Evidence Essentials for Litigators. She co-presented on the topic "Ethical Issues".
Civil Litigation Skills Certificate Program: Evidence for Litigators
Rebecca Jones spoke at the Advocates' Society's Civil Litigation Skills Certificate Program. She shared her litigation expertise on the panel Hearsay, Privilege and Objections at Trial.
Medical Malpractice: Theory and Practice
Rebecca Jones was a member of faculty at The Osgoode Certificate in Health Law program. She spoke on "Medical Malpractice: Theory and Practice" which provided a key insight into the adversarial process in malpractice litigation and causation basics.
Chambers Canada (2022-2025)
Litigation: Administrative & Public Law (Ontario)
Healthcare: Contentious (Nationwide – Canada) -
Lexpert Special Edition: Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers (2019-2024)
Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory (2015-2025)
Litigation - Corporate Commercial, Medical Negligence, Professional Liability, Litigation - Regulatory & Public Law,
Best Lawyers in Canada (2014-2025)
Administrative and Public Law, Corporate & Commercial Litigation, Health Care Law, Medical Negligence
Benchmark Canada (2017-2024)
Litigation Star – Class Action, Competition, Product Liability
Benchmark Litigation (2017)
Under 40 Hotlist
Best Lawyers in Canada (2023)
Toronto "Lawyer of the Year" in Medical Negligence
Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-border Litigation Lawyers in Canada (2016)
Litigation Lawyers to Watch
Lexpert Rising Stars (2015)
Leading Lawyers Under 40
Lexpert Special Edition: Canada's Leading Health Sciences Lawyers (2021)