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Professional Liability and Regulation - Publications & Presentations
Legal regimes and remedies in Ontario differ depending on the source of the information
Nina Bombier and Paul-Erik Veel co-authored the article When medical records go missing which appeared in the July 11, 2014 issue of the Lawyers Weekly.
Tom Curry spoke at Mount Sinai's annual program 11th Annual Obstetrical Malpractice: A Survival Guide for 2015 on the topic Two Legal Cases from the Last...
Tom Curry participated in a panel discussion at the May 21, 2015 CBA National Health Law Summit on A New Era for Experts.
Tom Curry presented on the topic Kernicterus: Medical and Legal Aspects at the 3rd Biennial Conference on Brain Injury in Children, sponsored by Sick Kids held in Toronto on July 9-11, 2013.
Tom Curry presented on the topic at the National Health Law Summit held at the Canadian Bar Association.
Tom Curry presented at the 2nd International Symposium on the topic.
Tom Curry presented on the topic at the Toronto Law Association.
Nina Bombier presented her paper Liebig v. Guelph General Hospital: Affirming the Duty Owed to a Fetus During Labour and Delivery at LSUC Emerging Issues in Health Law Conference.
Nina Bombier was a speaker at this Osgoode Professional Development program on the "Discipline Hearing".
Risa Kirshblum shared her expertise on Clinical Negligence, Liability Claims and Litigation on February 10, 2015.