Commercial Litigation
Competition and AntitrustPublications and Presentations
Lenczner Slaght launches our 2024 Snapshot, which highlights the most significant developments, decisions, and trends in litigation from the past year across 20 areas of expertise. Reflect on 2024 and look ahead to 2025 through the lens of our expert litigators.
February 1, 2025
Paul-Erik Veel was invited to share his expertise at the Canadian Bar Association program titled Unpacking the Process: 4 Ways to Challenge False Advertising. Paul-Erik discussed the different ways consumers and competitors can challenge false or misleading advertising and his experience with the different approaches.
Paul-Erik Veel | March 27, 2024
Tom Curry chaired the Ontario Bar Association and Law Society of Ontario's joint program titled Tales from the Courtroom: Mentorship Through Storytelling. Tom provided his expert insights on how to switch strategies in late-stage case preparation, what to do when the judge is not on your side and how to turn things around, recover and learn from defeats, manage challenges from opposing counsel or clients, understand the unique challenges of bias and how to counteract it, and deal with technology falters.
Tom Curry | February 21, 2024
Sean Lewis authored the blog Be Careful What You Wish For (or, Be Careful What Contest Winner You Give Shares To), which was published on
Sean Lewis | February 6, 2024
Lenczner Slaght launches our 2023 Snapshot, a look at the most significant developments, decisions, business takeaways, and trends in litigation from the last year, across 15 practice areas. Revisit 2023 and look ahead to 2024 through the lens of our expert litigators.
February 1, 2024
Christina Shiels-Singh authored the blog Ten Tips & Reminders for Effectively Using CaseLines, published on Christina is recognized as an expert in navigating CaseLines and is often invited to share her expertise at continuing education programs for organizations such as the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario. In this blog, she shares her top tips and reminders for effectively using CaseLines.
Christina Shiels-Singh | December 14, 2023
Tom Curry co-chaired The Advocates' Society's Examinations for Discovery: Building Block Series. In the third block of the series, Tom led a plenary session featuring judges and leading practitioners as they discussed how to successfully use the discovery transcript at trial.
Tom Curry | December 12, 2023
Brendan Morrison and Margaret Robbins were invited to share their expertise at the OBA's 11th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers. Co-chaired by Margaret, the program also featured Brendan as he discussed, Modern Contract Formation and the Risks of Casual Communications.
Brendan F. Morrison & Margaret Robbins | December 5, 2023
Monique Jilesen was invited to share her expertise at The Advocates' Society's annual program on Evidence for Litigators. Monique participated on the panel Arguing Hearsay Exceptions and Other Objections.
Monique Jilesen | October 24, 2023
Published by Lexpert, Margaret Robbins authored an article exploring the impact of Bill C-11, which was passed earlier this year and has the potential to reshape what it means to be a Canadian on the internet.
Margaret Robbins | October 18, 2023
Lawrence E. Thacker, Risa M. Kirshblum. Sana Halwani, and Jonathan Chen were invited to share their expertise at Osgoode Professional Development's 44th Annual Intensive Trial Advocacy Workshop.
July 10, 2023
Brendan F. Morrison was invited to share his expertise at The Advocates' Society's Commercial List Advocacy program. Brendan presented on the panel "Hot Topics in Commercial List Advocacy".
Brendan F. Morrison | May 11, 2023
Dena N. Varah was co-chair of the OBA's 10th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers, where expert panelists delved into emerging trends, key cases and developments on important ethical and practice management issues, and the resulting impacts to practice.
Dena N. Varah | March 27, 2023
Monique Jilesen was invited to share her expertise at the OBA's 10th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers program. Monique will discuss "Issues of Good Faith and Mistakes in Contractual Negotiations".
Monique Jilesen | March 27, 2023
Meghan Bridges was invited to present at an OBA Young Lawyer's Division program. Meghan led a panel discussion on how to gain experience and make the most of your first opportunities in trial litigation.
Meghan Bridges | February 23, 2023
Jonathan Chen shared his experience and expertise in virtual trial advocacy at the CBA's upcoming program "Obtaining the Most Favourable Outcome: Using Litigation Technology to Bolster Your Case at Trial". He discussed the impact of technology on bringing a case to life and increasing the understanding of testimony and evidence.
Jonathan Chen | May 31, 2022
Risa M. Kirshblum was invited to share her expertise on The Advocates' Society's Examining and Cross Examining Experts program.
Risa M. Kirshblum | May 26, 2022
Brian Kolenda shared his expertise at the 2022 ARIL Virtual Conference. He presented on the panel "To Supply or Not to Supply: What are the Questions?".
Brian Kolenda | February 4, 2022
Brian Kolenda co-hosted The Advocates' Society's program titled An Evening with the Commercial Bench. The program included a judicial panel discussion on recent developments in commercial matters including practical advice.
Brian Kolenda | January 20, 2022
Monique Jilesen presented at The Advocates' Society's program titled "Second Chair, Not Second Fiddle". In this new program, Monique shared top tips and strategies for becoming an effective second chair – both before and during trial.
Monique Jilesen | October 6, 2021
Christopher Yung authored the Lexpert article "Techs and Balances: The Future of Online Shareholder Meetings in the Post-Pandemic Corporate World". In this article, Chris analyzes the impact and future of online annual general meetings in corporate Canada.
Christopher Yung | August 4, 2021
Matthew B. Lerner shared his expertise at the LSO's program Emerging Issues in Directors' and Officers' Liability 2021. Matthew discussed Internal Investigations and Professionalism Issues.
Matthew B. Lerner | April 29, 2021
Monique Jilesen co-chaired The Advocates' Society's program Litigating Polarizing Legal Issues. In this program, experienced counsel considered how lawyers make the decision to litigate polarizing legal issues, whether there has been a generational change, how these cases affect the way we litigate, and how to manage our client relationships.
Monique Jilesen | April 16, 2021
Sahar Talebi authored the blog Young Advocates Braving the Virtual Courtroom: Practical Tips & Advice from the Commercial List, which was published on
Sahar Talebi | November 24, 2020
Sahar Talebi's blog The Mareva Injunction: An Extraordinary Remedy was published on
Sahar Talebi | November 12, 2020
Monique Jilesen shared her expertise at the OBA's Civil Litigation program Mastering Summary Judgment Motions. Monique shared her expert insights on the panel "Practice Perspectives: Commercial, Class Actions, Negligence, and Employment Law".
Monique Jilesen | October 27, 2020
Dena N. Varah presented at the OBA's 8th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers program. Dena shared her expertise on the panel "From Shareholder Primacy to Stakeholder Governance? Implications for Directors' Duties and the Oppression Remedy".
Dena N. Varah | October 20, 2020
Monique Jilesen and Scott Rollwagen led a Mondaq webinar on How the Pandemic May Impact the Canadian Legal Landscape in the Short and Long Term. Monique and Scott discussed the potential legal issues surrounding the pandemic now and in the future.
Monique Jilesen & Scott Rollwagen | October 8, 2020
Madison Robins authored the article Accessory Liability in Canadian Law, which was published in the Annual Review of Civil Litigation 2020.
Madison Robins | September 25, 2020
Scott Rollwagen, Sana Halwani, and Paul-Erik Veel's article "Do courts have jurisdiction to order virtual hearings? Absolutely!" was published in the August 2020 volume of the Commercial Litigation and Arbitration Review.
Scott Rollwagen, Sana Halwani & Paul-Erik Veel | August 11, 2020
Nina Bombier spoke at The Advocates' Society's program "Privilege: A Litigator's Guide". She shared her expertise on the panel Waiver of Privilege.
Nina Bombier | June 16, 2020
Sana Halwani, Monique Jilesen, Scott Rollwagen, and Paul-Erik Veel shared their expertise at the Virtual GC Forum on May 12.
May 12, 2020
Eli Lederman authored The Lawyer's Daily article “The Supreme Court and duty of good faith: What now?”. In this article, he analyzes two recent cases that raise important questions about the content of the duty of good faith and about honest performance of contractual obligations.
Eli S. Lederman | December 11, 2019
Ian Binnie and Monique Jilesen shared their expertise at the inaugural Canadian Litigation Forum. Ian discussed the current international arbitration landscape for Canadian companies on the panel International Arbitration - a new paradigm emerges. While Monique discussed trends in litigation risk for Canadian companies on the opening panel Setting the Scene: The Canadian Litigation Landscape.
Ian Binnie & Monique Jilesen | November 26, 2019
Matthew B. Lerner presented at the LSO program Discoveries: An Update for Litigators. He shared his expertise on the panel Getting to the Answer – Issues that arise in the discovery process.
Matthew B. Lerner | October 7, 2019
Sana Halwani, Monique Jilesen, Brian Kolenda, and Sarah Millar presented at the GC Forum's Q3 event on October 3.
October 3, 2019
At CLUC's 2019 Annual Retreat and Reception, Monique Jilesen shared her expertise on the panel What's Happening at the Commercial List.
Monique Jilesen | June 5, 2019
Dena Varah spoke at the Advocates' Society D&I Breakfast. The panel discussed the challenges of of balancing a litigation practice and parenting commitments.
Dena N. Varah | April 17, 2019
At the 2019 Annual CCCA National Conference for in-house counsel, Monique Jilesen was a member of the plenary panel called “Get Ahead of the Pack: Best Practices for Advising the Board When a Dispute is on the Horizon”. She shared expert practical advice on litigation avoidance, pre-litigation planning, and sharing risk.
Monique Jilesen | April 8, 2019
Jaan Lilles presented at The Advocates' Society's program titled “Transparency and Disclosure Before Administrative Tribunals”. The program provides an update on the obligations, opportunities, and trends in this area.
Jaan Lilles | March 27, 2019
Monique Jilesen was a faculty member at The Advocates' Society's program Cross-Examination: Strategies for Success. The session was part of the Civil Litigation Skills Certificate program. Monique provided expert advice on how to take and keep control of witness testimony.
Monique Jilesen | January 30, 2019
Monique Jilesen hosted An Evening With the Commercial List, a popular event featuring Commercial List judges, and litigators at The Advocates' Society. This was an opportunity to see your fellow law professionals in a less formal setting.
Monique Jilesen | January 23, 2019
Rebecca Jones spoke at the Law Society of Ontario's program Evidence Essentials for Litigators. She co-presented on the topic "Ethical Issues".
Rebecca Jones | January 18, 2019
Monique Jilesen was the moderator for two panels at Lexpert's Litigation Funding event. The first panel was called "What is litigation funding, what types of cases are suitable, how do companies typically use funding and how does the process work?" The second panel called "Due Diligence Process" covered the preparation needed, high-level assessment, and taking a deep dive on due diligence.
Monique Jilesen | November 20, 2018
Nina Bombier spoke at the Advocates' Society's program, "Privilege: A litigator's Guide". She spoke about "Waiver of Privilege" and how it impacts solicitor-client privilege.
Nina Bombier | June 12, 2018
Monique Jilesen spoke at the Advocates' Society's breakfast program on the Top Cases in Commercial Litigation from 2017.
Monique Jilesen | March 6, 2018
Matthew Sammon was a faculty member at the 2018 Ontario Bar Association’s Institute. He shared his valuable insight on the panel "Closely-Held Corporations: Dealing with Oppression."
Matthew Sammon | February 9, 2018
Andrew Parley moderated the CCCA webinar on complex e-discovery projects. He shared his expertise on the best practices for successfully managing these projects, which can be long, complicated, expensive, and disruptive to the business.
Andrew Parley | January 31, 2018
Rebecca Jones spoke at the Advocates' Society's program on strengthening your case through powerful and effective opening statements, and comprehensive examinaions-in-chief.
Rebecca Jones | December 15, 2017
Dena N. Varah spoke at the Law Society of Ontario's 2017 Civil Appeals: The Year in Review program. She took part in the "Corporate Law" panel and specifically provided her expert opinion on the decision in Wilson v. Alharayeri: Expanding Corporate Directors’ Personal Liability.
Dena N. Varah | December 12, 2017
Monique Jilesen once again served as faculty for The Advocates' Society professional development workshop Winning Injunctions on November 24, 2017. Monique discussed the skills and strategies required to seek and oppose injunctive relief.
Monique Jilesen | November 24, 2017
Rebecca Jones spoke at the Advocates' Society's program on effectively obtaining, using, and getting your evidence admitted.
Rebecca Jones | November 22, 2017
Eli S. Lederman spoke at the 2017 CFA Franchise Law Day on "Managing Default, Termination and the Duty of Good".
Eli S. Lederman | September 26, 2017
Monique Jilesen moderated at The Advocates' Society's annual breakfast program focusing on how the speakers built their careers and helped shape...
Monique Jilesen | April 4, 2017
Monique Jilesen spoke about examining witnesses at Your First Civil Trial for the Ontario Bar Association.
Monique Jilesen | March 3, 2017
Peter Griffin presented What every trial lawyer needs to know for The Advocates' Society Civil Litigation Skills Certificate Program's Evidence for...
Peter Griffin | November 21, 2016
Brian Kolenda authored the article Act fast to lift automatic stay of proceedings which examines Bank of Montreal v Bumper Development Corp for the...
Brian Kolenda | November 18, 2016
Scott Rollwagen joined an expert panel for The Evolution of Complex Litigation webinar with the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association on November 14, 2016.
Scott Rollwagen | November 14, 2016
Monique Jilesen presented Managing a Complex Trial at The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario's Advanced Litigation Law Program for Law Clerks on September...
Monique Jilesen | September 14, 2016
Lawrence Thacker, Risa Kirshblum, Monique Jilesen, Eli Lederman, Matthew Sammon, Rebecca Jones, Jaan Lilles and Dena Varah were among the distinguished...
July 5, 2015
Tom Curry spoke at this Advocates’ Society Program on June 12, 2015 in which Peter Griffin was co-chair.
Peter Griffin & Tom Curry | June 12, 2015
Monique Jilesen participated in a panel discussion on Demonstration and Commentary on Effective Advocacy with Financial Statements on June 10, 2015 as...
Monique Jilesen | June 10, 2015
Eli Lederman spoke at Lexpert's conference on June 2, 2015 on the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew et al. which relates to good...
Eli S. Lederman | June 2, 2015
Dena Varah and Naomi Loewith, together with Afshan Ali, Senior Counsel at CIBC Legal Department, conducted a webinar as part of the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association/ Canadian Bar Association's Webinar Series on May 14, 2015.
Dena N. Varah | May 14, 2015
Brian Kolenda's article appears in the May 1, 2015 issue of the Lawyers Weekly published by Lexis Nexis Canada Inc. This article discusses the decision in...
Brian Kolenda | May 1, 2015
Tom Curry was invited to speak at the Advocates Society program on Practice Management at Trial: What You Need to Know on April 30, 2015. Objectives include learning how to effectively prepare for trial while managing client expectations and meeting professional obligations.
Tom Curry | April 30, 2015
Monique Jilesen and Eli Lederman were on the faculty of this Osgoode Professional Development Program led by Canadian instructors in advocacy skills...
Monique Jilesen & Eli S. Lederman | April 27, 2015
Eli Lederman was joined by Elisabeth Presion, Chief Legal Officer for Allen-Vanguard Corporation, and Agnes Di Leonardi, General Counsel for Mazda...
Eli S. Lederman | April 20, 2015
Matthew Sammon co-chaired the OsgoodePD program Managing Employment Law Issues in the Digital Age on April 20, 2015, in which Jaan Lilles...
Matthew Sammon, Jaan Lilles & Dena N. Varah | April 20, 2015
Monique Jilesen spoke at this Osgoode Professional Development Program on April 7, 2015, which provides insight in to key aspects of litigating shareh...
Monique Jilesen | April 7, 2015
Lawrence Thackers article appears in the April 3, 2015 issue of the Lawyers Weekly published by Lexis Nexis Canada Inc. This article describes the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in combination with, or supplementary to court proceedings.
Lawrence E. Thacker | April 3, 2015
Monique Jilesen's article on remedies for corporate victims of fraud appears in the March 13, 2015 issue of the Lawyers Weekly.
Monique Jilesen | March 13, 2015
Rebecca Jones article was published in the February 13, 2015 issue of the Lawyers Weekly published by LexisNexis Canada Inc.
Rebecca Jones | February 13, 2015
SCC has blown wide open the grounds for a contractual dispute
Eli Lederman's article appears in the January 30, 2015 issue of the Lawyers Weekly published by Lexis Nexis Canada Inc. This article discusses the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew et al.
Eli S. Lederman | January 30, 2015
Matthew Lerner and Stephen G.A. Pitel co-authored an article which appeared in the January 19, 2015 issue of Law Times.
Matthew B. Lerner | January 19, 2015
Eli Lederman provided his insight in an Osgoode Professional Development webinar on the legal implications of Bhasin v. Hrynew et al.
Eli S. Lederman | January 19, 2015
Peter Griffin co-chaired the Advocates' Society program Cross-Border Issues for Litigators on November 21, 2014.
Peter Griffin | November 21, 2014
Monique Jilesen spoke at the Law Society of Upper Canada's program Expert Evidence for Litigators on November 7, 2014.
Monique Jilesen | November 7, 2014
Paul-Erik Veel co-authored article Price-Fixing Actions After Pro-Sys v. Microsoft: Worrying Implications of the Supreme Court's Decision that appeared in...
Paul-Erik Veel | September 30, 2014
Peter Griffin will be a speaker at the Law Society of Upper Canadas program on September 18, 2014. Peter will be speaking on the five rules of evidence that trial lawyers must master to be effective advocates.
Peter Griffin | September 18, 2014
Legal regimes and remedies in Ontario differ depending on the source of the information
Nina Bombier and Paul-Erik Veel co-authored the article When medical records go missing which appeared in the July 11, 2014 issue of the Lawyers Weekly.
Nina Bombier & Paul-Erik Veel | July 11, 2014
Eli Lederman's article appeared in the June 20, 2014 issue of the Lawyers Weekly.
Eli S. Lederman | June 20, 2014
Monique Jilesen is a guest speaker at the Advocates' Society "Brown Bag" Series session on Successful Use of Demonstrative Evidence held on March 25, 2014...
Monique Jilesen | March 25, 2014
Peter Griffin, Monique Jilesen and Eli Lederman were among the distinguished guest lecturers at the 34th Annual Intensive Trial Workshop held in Toronto on July 7-14, 2013.
Peter Griffin, Monique Jilesen & Eli S. Lederman | July 7, 2013
The Honourable Ian Binnie debates the topic against The Honourable Robert Armstrong at the 2nd Annual Civil Litigation Summit, held in Toronto June 11, 2013.
Ian Binnie | June 11, 2013
William McDowell presented on the topic at the 2nd Annual Civil Litigation Summit held in Toronto on June 11, 2013.
William C. McDowell | June 11, 2013
Nina Bombier's article The Basel Convention's Complete Ban on Hazardous Waste Exports appeared in Volume 7 of the Journal of Environmental Law and Practice.
Nina Bombier | May 29, 2013
Monique Jilesen is a guest speaker at the Advocates' Society Civil Litigation Skills Certificate Program held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013.
Monique Jilesen | May 13, 2013
Will McDowell presented on Cameras and New Media in the Courtroom at the 2012 Fall Convention hosted by The Advocates' Society.
William C. McDowell | November 14, 2012
Peter Griffin presented at the Law Society of Upper Canada at Osgoode Hall.
Peter Griffin | May 22, 2012
Lawrence E. Thacker presented at the CCCA 2012 World Summit.
Lawrence E. Thacker | April 12, 2012
William C. McDowell served as a panelist at the 2012 OBA Conference "What's New and Exciting in the World of Defamation Law".
William C. McDowell | March 27, 2012
Thacker, L. and Laxer, J. "Arbitration (International) Recent Developments of Importance". The 2012 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
Lawrence E. Thacker | January 4, 2012
Peter Griffin presented at the Northeastern Ontario CPD 2011 Conference.
Peter Griffin | October 22, 2011
Peter Griffin discusses securities class actions at the 8th National Symposium on Class Actions.
Peter Griffin | April 28, 2011
Lawrence E. Thacker spoke on panel discussion at the 2011 CCCA National Spring Conference.
Lawrence E. Thacker | April 3, 2011
Matthew Sammon presented at the Law Society of Upper Canada program on Mastering the Art of Complex Civil Motions.
Matthew Sammon | March 21, 2011
Lawrence E. Thacker presented at the University of Toronto Litigation Association's luncheon discussing some of the tactical decisions and strategies he employs in his cases.
Lawrence E. Thacker | February 17, 2011
Peter Griffin presented his paper Effective Legal Risk Management During a Crisis at the Osgoode Professional Development CLE The Advanced Legal Guide to Advising the Public Company Board of Directors.
Peter Griffin | January 26, 2011
Peter Griffin served as faculty at this Osgoode Hall Law School conference.
Peter Griffin | January 26, 2011
William C. McDowell speaks about the increased use of social networking websites giving rise to several recent precedent-setting cases at Osgoode's Lunch N' Learn teleseminar.
William C. McDowell | January 13, 2010
Nina presented at the Ogoode conference.
December 4, 2009
Peter Griffin served as faculty at the joint program of The Advocates' Society and Osgoode Professional Development.
Peter Griffin | November 13, 2009
Nina Bombier presented a paper Emerging Issues in Class Action Pension Law Suits at the CCCA National Spring Conference.
Nina Bombier | April 17, 2009
Lawrence Thacker provides individualized feedback to participants at the Advocates' Society Civil Litigation Skills Development Program on April 1, 2009 in Toronto.
Lawrence E. Thacker & | April 1, 2009
William C. McDowell's article U.S. Libel Tourism Law Silences Foreign Courts appeared in the March 27, 2009 issue of The Lawyers Weekly.
William C. McDowell | March 27, 2009
Lawrence E. Thacker was an instructor at the Federated Press' Intensive Seminar on General Counsel's Role in Maximizing Board Effectiveness. The seminar was attended by a large number of general counsel for Canadian and U.S. corporations.
Lawrence E. Thacker | March 11, 2009
Prepared by William C. McDowell and Usman M. Sheikh for The Advocates' Society Symposium on Professionalism.
William C. McDowell | January 27, 2009
Paul-Erik Veel's article Penalty Clauses in Canadian Contract Law appeared in Volume 66 of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review.
Paul-Erik Veel | November 11, 2008
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