Commercial Litigation
Competition and AntitrustNews & Media
Peers and senior members of the legal profession across the country continue to recognize the depth and breadth of Canada’s leading litigation firm in the latest 2025 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.
March 11, 2025
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators are recognized for the 23rd consecutive year in world-renowned directory, Chambers Global.
February 13, 2025
The 2025 edition of Lexpert's Leading 500 Cross-Border Lawyers: A Guide to Doing Business in Canada continues to recognize Lenczner Slaght as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation.
January 14, 2025
Canada’s leading litigation firm grows its expert Construction and Infrastructure Group with the addition of exceptional new associate, Cassie Chaloux.
Cassie Chaloux | January 13, 2025
WSIB Investments (Infrastructure) Pooled Fund Trust v Plenary Group (Canada) Ltd is featured in the January 2025 edition of Bare Bones Briefs by This case was the first fully electronic trial in the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench, lasting seven weeks. It culminated in a $259 million judgment for WSIB Investments (Infrastructure) Pooled Fund Trust, represented by Peter Griffin, Dena Varah, Meghan Bridges, Jonathan McDaniel, Andrew Locatelli, and Madeleine Andrew-Gee.
January 5, 2025
Interviewed by Canadian Lawyer, Dena Varah discusses our trial success in WSIB Investments (Infrastructure) Pooled Fund Trust v Plenary Group (Canada) Ltd, a decision that reinforces foundational fiduciary duties.
Dena N. Varah | December 10, 2024
In WSIB Investments (Infrastructure) Pooled Fund Trust v Plenary Group (Canada) Ltd, our expert litigators were successful in obtaining a $259 million judgment in disgorgement for our clients, two employee pension and injured workers funds, against the Defendants for breach of fiduciary duty, knowing assistance, and knowing receipt. The 7-week trial before the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench was the first fully electronic trial to be completed in the province.
December 5, 2024
In the latest issue of CBA National Magazine, Sana Halwani discusses why her clients, Canada's biggest news media companies, filed a joint lawsuit against OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, and what they are seeking from this action.
Sana Halwani | December 5, 2024
Sana Halwani appeared on ABC Australia's Radio National Drive program to discuss her recent case representing Canada's leading news media compaines against OpenAI in the first lawsuit of its kind in Canada.
Sana Halwani | December 5, 2024
Sana Halwani was interviewed live by BNN Bloomberg on her recent case representing CBC, the Canadian Press, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and Postmedia in suing Open AI for breaching copyright and online terms of use by scraping large swaths of content from Canadian media to help develop its products, such as ChatGPT.
Sana Halwani | December 3, 2024
ALM's International reports on Canada's biggest media outlets suing U.S.-based artificial intelligence organization OpenAI of infringing their copyright by unlawfully scraping news content to train products like ChatGPT. Monique Jilesen and Sana Halwani are mentioned as leading the team represending the news organizations.
Sana Halwani & Monique Jilesen | December 2, 2024
Canadian Lawyer spoke to Sana Halwani about the recently launched legal action on the Commercial List by Canada's leading news media companies against OpenAI, the first of its kind in Canada.
Sana Halwani | December 2, 2024
Lenczner Slaght is mentioned in The Hamilton Spectator's recent article reporting on Canada's leading news media organizations's recent legal action against OpenAI for engaging in ongoing, deliberate, and unauthorized misappropriation of their valuable news media works.
November 29, 2024
- reports on the first time all of Canada's major news publishers have come together in litigation against OpenAI for illegally using news articles to train its ChatGPT software. Lenczner Slaght is mentioned as lead counsel for Toronto Star, Metroland Media, Postmedia, The Globe and Mail, The Canadian Press and CBC.
November 29, 2024
In this Financial Post article, Sana Halwani, lead counsel for Torstar, The Canadian Press, The Globe and Mail, CBC/Radio-Canada and Postmedia Network Inc, comments on why Canada's leading news media copmanies have launched a legal action against OpenAI.
Sana Halwani | November 29, 2024
Deadline Hollywood reports on Lenczner Slaght representing Canada's leading news media companies in their legal action against OpenAI.
November 29, 2024
Featured on the front page of The Globe & Mail's Report on Business section, Sana Halwani was interviewed as lead counsel representing Canada's leading news media companies in their recently launched legal action against OpenAI for copyright infringement and breach of contract.
Sana Halwani | November 29, 2024
New York Times reported on a coalition of Canada's biggest media companies, represented by Lenczner Slaght, seeking billions of dollars in compensation for illegally using their content in the first case of its kind in the country. Sana Halwani is lead counsel for the news organizations and comments on the strength of their case.
Sana Halwani | November 29, 2024
Hollywood Reporter mentioned Lenczner Slaght as the firm representing Torstar, Postmedia, The Globe and Mail, The Canadian Press and CBC/Radio-Canada in the legal action against OpenAI for biolating copyright laws and online terms of use.
November 29, 2024
Following an in-depth peer review process across the legal profession, 21 Lenczner Slaght lawyers have been recognized in the 2024 Lexpert Special Edition: Canada’s Leading Litigation Lawyers guide for their extensive courtroom experience and subject-matter expertise.
November 21, 2024
Lenczner Slaght is proud to announce its recognition as Law Firm of the Year in Corporate and Commercial Litigation and Medical Negligence in the inaugural edition of Best Law Firms in Canada.
November 6, 2024
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to advance their position in the latest edition of the world-renowned directory.
September 26, 2024
Lenczner Slaght’s litigators continue to be recognized by their peers as the foremost practitioners in their fields.
March 5, 2024
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators are increasingly recognized in the latest edition of world-renowned directory, Chambers Global.
February 15, 2024
The 2024 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada recognizes Lenczner Slaght as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation for the 23rd consecutive year.
January 9, 2024
Peter Griffin, Rebecca Jones, and Scott Rollwagen were featured in Lexpert's Top 10 Business Decisions of 2022-23 for their success in the case Annapolis Group Inc v Halifax Regional Municipality, which represents an important decision that clarified the test for constructive taking. Rebecca Jones was further interviewed.
Peter Griffin, Rebecca Jones & Scott Rollwagen | November 23, 2023
Interviewed by Law Times, Eli Lederman shared his expert insights on the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision in Obolus Ltd v International Seniors Community Care Inc. The important contract law decision involves an awkwardly written contract with a missing “to”, which the court chose to defer to the lower court instead of addressing an error in fact-finding.
Eli S. Lederman | November 3, 2023
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators continue to be recognized by world-renowned directory, Chambers & Partners.
September 28, 2023
Canadian Lawyer Magazine interviewed Brendan F. Morrison and Kate Costin on their recent trial success, which involved one of the world’s largest lithium mining projects and has reinforced the principles of contract formation in the modern world.
Brendan F. Morrison & Kate Costin | September 1, 2023
In the latest edition of Best Lawyers in Canada, 41 of our expert litigators are recognized for their expertise across 24 practice areas. The following lawyers have also been recognized as “Lawyer of the Year” for receiving the highest overall peer-feedback in their practice areas in Toronto.
August 24, 2023
Interviewed by Law360 Canada, Brendan F. Morrison and Kate Costin comment on their trial success for Lithium Royalty Corporation, which has significant commercial implications for securities markets and the growing North American lithium industry.
Brendan F. Morrison & Kate Costin | August 23, 2023
In a significant trial decision released yesterday in Lithium Royalty Corporation v Orion Resource Partners, our expert litigators were successful in...
Brendan F. Morrison & Kate Costin | August 16, 2023
Interviewed by Law Times, Eli S. Lederman shared his expert insights on the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision in Bhatnagar v Cresco Labs Inc.
Eli S. Lederman | July 10, 2023
Following comprehensive peer review surveys and interviews with senior members in the legal profession, the 2023 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory has recognized 31 of the firm’s expert litigators for their experience, knowledge, and precision, with 108 rankings spanning 17 practice areas.
March 1, 2023
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to be recognized for its dispute resolution expertise by world-renowned directory, Chambers Global, alongside notable full-service, national, and international firms.
February 16, 2023
The 2023 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada continues to recognize Lenczner Slaght as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation.
January 11, 2023
Following an in-depth peer review process, the 2022 Lexpert Special Edition: Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers guide recognizes 15 Lenczner Slaght lawyers for their extensive courtroom experience and subject-matter expertise. We know courts, and courts know and trust us. That is why clients turn to us to solve their most complex legal problems.
November 23, 2022
Canada’s leading litigation firm is once again ranked in Tier 1 for Dispute Resolution by Legal 500 Canada.
November 10, 2022
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators continue to be recognized in the latest edition of world-renowned directory, Chambers & Partners.
September 29, 2022
In the latest edition of Best Lawyers in Canada, 39 of our expert litigators are recognized by their peers for their expertise across 24 practice areas.
August 25, 2022
Following extensive research and assessment by industry leaders across Canada, this year’s Canadian Law Awards honoured Lenczner Slaght litigators for their excellence in advocacy.
May 20, 2022
Abraham Reichmann is very pleased to announce that he has reached a private and confidential settlement of the Reichmann v Reichmann et al lawsuit in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice concerning Ralph and Ada Reichmann.
Tom Curry | April 7, 2022
31 of our expert litigators are recognized by their peers as the foremost practitioners across 18 fields.
February 25, 2022
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to be recognized for its dispute resolution expertise by world-renowned directory, Chambers Global, alongside notable full-service, national, and international firms.
February 17, 2022
In Burr v Tecumseh, our expert litigators successfully defended, at trial, against claims of negligence against the manufacturer of a component part in an end use appliance which caused a house fire.
Tom Curry, Dena N. Varah & Sarah Bittman | February 15, 2022
Lenczner Slaght continues to be recognized as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation by the 2022 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
January 6, 2022
In a article, Eli S. Lederman and Brian Kolenda share their expert insights on the decision in Cineplex v Cineworld, which will provide clarification on where else in contracts the pandemic would impact contractual obligations.
Eli S. Lederman & Brian Kolenda | December 16, 2021
Canadian Lawyer Magazine spoke to Eli S. Lederman on Cineplex v Cineworld, a significant Canadian court decision concerning #COVID19 business disruptions.
Eli S. Lederman | December 16, 2021
Following an in-depth peer review process, the 2021 Lexpert Special Edition: Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers guide recognizes 19 Lenczner Slaght lawyers for their extensive courtroom experience and subject-matter expertise.
November 26, 2021
Legal 500 recognizes Canada’s leading litigation firm as “a regular fixture in the country’s ground-breaking contentious cases”.
November 12, 2021
We are pleased to announce that Brian Kolenda, Andrew Parley, Shara Roy, Nina Bombier, Larry Thacker and Anne Posno have been elected to prominent leadership positions at The Advocates’ Society, a preeminent organization dedicated to promoting effective advocacy and access to justice.
September 15, 2021
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators continue to advance their position in the latest edition of world-renowned directory, Chambers & Partners.
September 9, 2021
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to be recognized with the top tier ranking of “Highly Recommended in Ontario” for its Dispute Resolution practice.
May 3, 2021
An increasing number of our expert litigators are recognized by their peers as the foremost practitioners in their fields.
April 22, 2021
Canada’s leading litigation firm is once again recognized for its dispute resolution expertise by world-renowned directory, Chambers Global, alongside notable full-service, national, and international firms.
February 18, 2021
The 2021 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada continues to recognize Lenczner Slaght as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation.
December 17, 2020
In the CBA National Magazine article titled "Law firms adopting AI", Sarah Millar comments on how our firm is embracing AI in order to offer clients cost-effective solutions to their legal issues.
Sarah Millar | December 4, 2020
An increasing number of our expert litigators continue to be recognized as the foremost litigators in their fields by peers and senior members of the legal profession.
November 27, 2020
Canada’s leading litigation firm is “recognized across the country as a force in complex disputes” according to Legal 500.
November 16, 2020
In the latest edition of Who's Who Legal: Canada, Lenczner Slaght achieves eight recognitions in the Litigation chapter, with a total of ten expert litigators ranked.
October 27, 2020
Following extensive research and assessment by industry leaders across Canada, the inaugural Canadian Law Awards recognized Lenczner Slaght in two categories.
October 6, 2020
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators continue to be recognized by world-renowned directory, Chambers & Partners.
September 9, 2020
Lenczner Slaght is proud to announce that 33 of our expert litigators are recognized in Best Lawyers in Canada 2021. Our lawyers received a total of 128 rankings, up from 100 in 2020.
August 27, 2020
Lenczner Slaght’s litigators continue to be recognized by their peers as the foremost practitioners in their fields.
April 24, 2020
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to be recognized for its dispute resolution expertise by world-renowned directory, Chambers Global, alongside notable full-service, national, and international firms.
February 13, 2020
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to be recognized for its exceptional litigation expertise.
December 17, 2019
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to be recognized as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation by the 2020 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
December 13, 2019
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert litigators continue to advance their position in the latest edition of world-renowned directory, Chambers Canada, with nine new rankings.
September 19, 2019
In the latest edition of Best Lawyers in Canada, 28 Lenczner Slaght lawyers earned a total of 100 rankings, up from 86 in 2019.
August 21, 2019
Monique Jilesen was interviewed for the Law Times' recent article “Lenczner Slaght launches centralized website for commercial list” on June 21, 2019. In this article, Monique discusses the drive behind the launch of
Monique Jilesen | June 21, 2019
- is your one-stop shop for all things Commercial List.
June 19, 2019
Canada’s leading litigation firm is proud to announce that we have been singled out for our Medical Defense and Health Law expertise at last week’s 2019 Benchmark Canada Awards.
Tom Curry, Matthew Sammon & William C. McDowell | March 11, 2019
Eight Lenczner Slaght lawyers are recognized globally for their superb litigation expertise.
October 15, 2018
Canada’s leading litigation firm is proud to announce that 25 of the firm’s 58 lawyers have been recognized in the Best Lawyers in Canada 2019 publication across multiple categories.
August 21, 2018
Rutman v. Rabinowitz featured in the 2018 summer issue of Lexpert Magazine as one of the Top Big Suits of 2018. In this particular litigation of significance, Lenczner Slaght's Matthew Sammon and Jessica Roher were counsel to the respondent, Ronald Rutman.
Matthew Sammon & Jessica Roher | August 8, 2018
Nine partners from Canada’s leading litigation firm are ranked as leading the way in cross-border practice excellence.
June 27, 2018
Lenczner Slaght is proud to announce Monique Jilesen has won the 2018 Lexpert Zenith Award for Mid-Career Excellence in the Corporate Commercial Litigation category.
Monique Jilesen | June 20, 2018
An increasing number of the firm’s lawyers have been ranked by their peers as leading practitioners in their field.
April 12, 2018
Canada’s leading litigation firm is once again recognized in the area of Dispute Resolution by this world-renowned directory alongside notable full-service, national and international firms.
February 15, 2018
Google v. Equustek Solutions, 2017 SCC 34 is ranked second in Lexpert's Top 10 Business Decisions of 2017. Lenczner Slaght's William C. McDowell and Scott Rollwagen are mentioned as counsel to Google Inc.
William C. McDowell & Scott Rollwagen | February 5, 2018
Following a year and a half of ongoing litigation on this matter, Lenczner Slaght and Douglas Cardinal are delighted by the decision of Major League Baseball and the Cleveland baseball team to discontinue the discriminatory Chief Wahoo logo on the Cleveland uniforms beginning in 2019.
January 29, 2018
Lenczner Slaght is once again recognized as the #1 firm in Toronto for Litigation and Commercial Litigation by the 2018 Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
December 13, 2017
Canada’s leading litigation firm is one of two firms with the highest number of lawyers ranked in Corporate Commercial Litigation in the 2018 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
December 12, 2017
World-renowned Canadian activist for Indigenous Peoples, Douglas Cardinal, is continuing the fight against the Cleveland’s baseball team’s name and logo.
December 6, 2017
Along with the firm’s Tier 1 ranking in Dispute Resolution with four leading lawyers and one next generation lawyer recognized, Lenczner Slaght is also ranked in Intellectual Property, Labour and Employment, and Competition and Antitrust.
November 29, 2017
Essar Steel Algoma Inc. et al (Re), 2017 featured in the 2017 issue of Lexpert/ROB Special Edition: Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers as one of the Top 5 Big Suits of 2017. In this particular litigation of significance, Lenczner Slaght's Peter Griffin, Monique Jilesen, and Matthew B. Lerner represented GIP Primus LP and Brightwood Loan Services LLC.
Peter Griffin, Monique Jilesen & Matthew B. Lerner | November 24, 2017
Eli S. Lederman is quoted in the 2017 Lexpert/ROB Special Edition: Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers article Words and Intentions where he provides his expert opinion on recent and notable court decisions regarding contractual interpretation — particularly the 2014 SCC ruling in Bhasin v. Hrynew.
Eli S. Lederman | November 24, 2017
Goldhar v Ha'aretz is named in Lexpert's Top 10 Decisions with Cross-Border Impact as one of the cases with important implications in the United States. Lenczner Slaght's William C. McDowell and Brian Kolenda are mentioned as counsel to the plaintiff, Mitchell Goldhar. Will is also quoted in the article.
William C. McDowell & Brian Kolenda | November 23, 2017
Lenczner Slaght is proud to be named as “the foremost litigation team in the country” by Who’s Who Legal: Canada 2017, with six of our expert litigators recognized for their exceptional work representing clients.
October 12, 2017
Peter Griffin was mentioned in the Ontario Bar Association article OBA Celebrates the Extraordinary Career of Peter Griffin that details why he was awarded the prestigious 2017 Award of Excellence in Civil Litigaiton.
Peter Griffin | October 3, 2017
Canada’s leading litigation firm and its expert lawyers are ranked once again by Chambers & Partners for their exceptional litigation work.
September 28, 2017
Who's Who Legal's cover story Litigation 2017: Trends & Conclusions names Lenczner Slaght and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan as the two law firms that "make up a weighty North American contingent" in litigation. In this evaluation of the legal landscape, Lenczner Slaght is the only Canadian litigation firm mentioned.
September 22, 2017
Almost half of the leading litigation firm’s lawyers are recognized in the Best Lawyers in Canada.
August 22, 2017
Talented lawyers continue to choose Canada’s leading litigation firm.
Christopher Yung | July 21, 2017
Lenczner Slaght’s litigators continue to be recognized by their peers as leading practitioners in their fields according to the 2017 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.
May 5, 2017
Canada’s leading litigation firm continues to attract top talent.
Jonathan Chen | April 3, 2017
The firm’s litigators earned the top rankings alongside full-service, national and international counterparts in the litigation categories.
March 29, 2017
Canada’s leading litigation boutique leads all firms with 10 lawyers ranked in litigation practice areas in the 2017 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada (“ALM 500”)
January 4, 2017
Monique Jilesen was quoted in the Canadian Lawyer article Third-party litigation funding on January 3, 2017.
Monique Jilesen | January 4, 2017
Ontario Superior Court of Justice awards $5.5 million to Atos Inc following successful trial
December 8, 2016
Monique Jilesen is quoted in the Lexpert / Report on Business article Keeping it Affordable from November 25, 2016.
Monique Jilesen | November 25, 2016
Fifteen Lenczner Slaght lawyers have been ranked in the Lexpert 2016 Guide to the Leading U.S/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada
November 25, 2016
Tom Curry and Rebecca Jones of Lenczner Slaght acted as counsel for 407 ETR before the Court of Appeal for Ontario in a case concerning the limitation period applicable to 407 ETR debts.
Tom Curry & Rebecca Jones | September 29, 2016
Nearly half of the firm’s lawyers recognized among Canada’s foremost practitioners
August 10, 2016
This year, the Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory increased the number of Lenczner Slaght lawyers ranked among the best in Canada to 23, up from 20 in 2015.
June 22, 2016
Following a lengthy trial, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has determined that former York employees played key roles in several significant frauds.
William C. McDowell, Dena N. Varah & Brian Kolenda | June 9, 2016
Canada's leading litigation practice recognized in tier one for 14 consecutive years.
March 30, 2016
Canada's leading litigation practice once again tops the list of litigation firms in the 2016 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
February 4, 2016
Canada's leading litigation practice acted as counsel on the top case in Lexpert's annual ranking
January 11, 2016
Recognition of Lenczner Slaght lawyers as Canada's Leading Cross-Border Litigators Endures
December 8, 2015
Tom Curry and Andrew Parley were quoted in The Lawyers Weekly on November 27, 2015.
Tom Curry & Andrew Parley | November 27, 2015
Seven lawyers singled out by peers as leading practitioners in their field.
November 10, 2015
Half of the firm's lawyers are ranked as leading practitioners and three named "Lawyer of the Year" in the latest Best Lawyers in Canada Directory.
August 24, 2015
Lenczner Slaght lawyers recognized for litigation in 2015 Who's Who Legal.
August 20, 2015
Eli Lederman was quoted in Canadian Lawyer InHouse on July 20, 2015 regarding the decision in Energy Fundamentals Group Inc. v. Veresen Inc., 2015 ONCA 514, a significant case concerning the implication of contractual terms.
Eli S. Lederman | July 20, 2015
Paul-Erik Veel was quoted in the Toronto Star on July 19, 2015 on the complaints about the contradictions in the provincial laws that govern towns and cities.
Paul-Erik Veel | July 20, 2015
Recognized by Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory as leading practitioners.
June 25, 2015
Monique Jilesen was quoted in Canadian Lawyer on May 27, 2015 regarding the recent Court of Appeal decision in Rea v. Wildeboer.
Monique Jilesen | May 27, 2015
Eli Lederman was quoted in the May, 2015 issue of Lexpert Magazine in relation to his involvement and his insight into the decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew et al.
Eli S. Lederman | May 25, 2015
Monique Jilesen was quoted in the May 18, 2015 issue of Law Times regarding the decision in Nortel Networks Corporation (Re), 2015 ONSC 2987.
Monique Jilesen | May 18, 2015
The Ministry of Finance of Ontario has retained two independent expert facilitators to lead the formal review.
Peter Griffin | April 17, 2015
Canada's leading litigation practice remains highly regarded for 13 consecutive years.
April 2, 2015
13 Lenczner Slaght lawyers recognized in the 2015 Benchmark Litigation Directory.
March 30, 2015
Alan J. Lenczner and Brendan Morrison were featured in the Fall/Winter issue of the University of Toronto's UTLaw Alumni Magazine regarding the Yaiguaje et al. v. Chevron Corporation et al. case.
Alan J. Lenczner & Brendan F. Morrison | March 9, 2015
Canadian Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Taking Place in Halifax.
Brian Kolenda, Brendan F. Morrison & Laura Robinson | March 5, 2015
Monique Jilesen was quoted in Law Times on whether online courts and dispute resolution are in Ontario's future and what that would mean to lawyers.
Monique Jilesen | March 2, 2015
Eli Lederman, Jon Laxer and Constanza Pauchulo appellant counsel to Heritage Education Funds Inc. and Larry Hrynew in Bhasin v. Hrynew et al. were mentioned in Lexpert Magazine's February 2015 issue.
Eli S. Lederman & Constanza Pauchulo | February 16, 2015
Tom Curry was quoted in the Lawyers Weekly on February 6, 2015 in relation to the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Tervita Corp. v. Canada (Commissioner of Competition).
Tom Curry | February 12, 2015
Tom Curry, Jaan Lilles and Andrew Porter acted as counsel for the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Tom Curry, Jaan Lilles & Andrew Porter | February 2, 2015
Canada's leading litigation practice increases to 23 partners.
Shara N. Roy, Jaan Lilles & Dena N. Varah | January 27, 2015
Tom Curry was quoted in the Financial Post on January 23, 2015 in regards to the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Tervita Corp. v. Canada (Commissioner of Competition).
Tom Curry | January 23, 2015
Scott Rollwagen was quoted in the Canadian Lawyer in regards to the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Tervita Corp. v. Canada (Commissioner of Competition).
Scott Rollwagen | January 22, 2015
Tom Curry and Jaan Lilles were quoted in the Toronto Star on January 9, 2015.
Tom Curry & Jaan Lilles | January 9, 2015
Canada's leading litigation practice is once again ranked #1 in The 2015 Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
January 6, 2015
Legal 500 Canada recommends Lenczner Slaght in Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property, Labour and Employment Law.
December 29, 2014
14 Lenczner Slaght litigators ranked in Lexpert 2014 Guide to the Leading U.S/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada.
December 18, 2014
Lenczner Slaght Lawyers listed in the year-end Lexpert Special Edition published in conjunction with Report on Business magazine.
December 3, 2014
Eli Lederman was quoted in the Lawyers Weekly on November 28, 2014 in relation to his involvement in Bhasin v. Hrynew et al.
Eli S. Lederman | November 28, 2014
Tom Curry was quoted in The Independent on November 13, 2014 on Barclays Bank v. Metcalfe & Mansfield (Devonshire Trust).
Tom Curry | November 13, 2014
Eli Lederman was quoted in the Canadian Lawyer, Legal Feeds Blog on November 13, 2014 in relation to his involvement in Bhasin v. Hrynew et al.
Eli S. Lederman | November 13, 2014
Eli Lederman, Jon Laxer and Constanza Pauchulo were mentioned in the Financial Post on November 13, 2014 in relation to their involvement in a leading Supreme Court of Canada case on good faith in contracts (Bhasin v. Hrynew et al.)
Eli S. Lederman & Constanza Pauchulo | November 13, 2014
Tom Curry, Jaan Lilles and Paul-Erik Veel were quoted in the September, 2014 issue of Lexpert Magazine in relation to Commissioner of Competition v. Rogers Communications Inc. et al.
Tom Curry, Jaan Lilles & Paul-Erik Veel | September 2, 2014
Monique Jilesen was quoted in the September 1, 2014 issue of Law Times regarding overtime cases in Ontario.
Monique Jilesen | September 1, 2014
Nina Bombier was quoted in the September 1, 2014 issue of Law Times on handling delays in compliance with undertakings.
Nina Bombier | September 1, 2014
Nearly half of the firm's 49 lawyers are ranked as leading practitioners and two named "Lawyer of the Year" in the latest Best Lawyers in Canada Directory.
August 27, 2014
William McDowell, Jon Laxer and Katie Petney, counsel to the intervenor in Union Carbide v. Bombardier Inc. were mentioned in Lexpert Magazine's July 2014 issue.
William C. McDowell | August 14, 2014
Peter Griffin recognized as one of Canada's Most Influential Lawyers in corporate-commercial law.
Peter Griffin | August 6, 2014
Monique Jilesen was quoted in the August 4, 2014 issue of Law Times on privacy interests of Internet subscribers.
Monique Jilesen | August 4, 2014
Six of the firm's lawyers are ranked in Who's Who Legal: Litigation 2014.
July 28, 2014
Canada's leading litigation practice continues to add new names to the list.
June 3, 2014
William C. McDowell was quoted in the May 23 issue of the Lawyers Weekly published by LexisNexis Canada Inc.
William C. McDowell | May 23, 2014
Canada's leading litigation practice remains in Band 1 for 12th consecutive year.
March 25, 2014
Canada's leading litigation practice grows to 20 partners with newest additions.
Rebecca Jones | January 28, 2014
Canada's leading litigation practice is once again ranked #1 in The 2014 Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.
January 21, 2014
Canada's leading litigation practice gains two new widely admired lawyers.
Scott Rollwagen & Andrew Skodyn | September 3, 2013
Canada's leading litigation practice also wins two national impact cases.
February 13, 2013
Recognized by Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as leading practitioners.
May 29, 2012
Peter Griffin and Ian Binnie, K.C. speak to American Lawyer Magazine about the former Justice's return to the practice of law. The article appeared in...
Ian Binnie & Peter Griffin | April 13, 2012
Ian Binnie, K.C. joins Evan Soloman on CBC's Power and Politics to reflect on his career.
Ian Binnie | April 12, 2012
Ian Binnie, K.C. talks to the Globe and Mail about returning to the practice of law and the shifting legal landscape. The article appears in the April 11...
Ian Binnie | April 11, 2012
Lenczner Slaght included in the list of Canadian Lawyer's Top 10 Litigation Boutiques. As found by a survey completed by Canadian Lawyer Magazine.
Tom Curry | April 2, 2012
Lenczner Slaght in the top band of Canadian litigation practices.
March 29, 2012
Tom Curry, Monique Jilesen and Brendan Gray, counsel to Devonshire Trust, successfully defended against a $1.2 billion claim by Barclays Bank PLC.
Tom Curry & Monique Jilesen | September 14, 2011
Tom Curry, Monique Jilesen and Brendan Gray, counsel to Devonshire Trust, successfully defended against a $1.2 billion claim by Barclays Bank PLC.
Tom Curry & Monique Jilesen | September 13, 2011
Peter Griffin retained to appeal denial of $15-million award for personal injury.
Peter Griffin | February 5, 2010
Will McDowell, amicus curiae, advises talking the best solution in injunction case against native protestors.
William C. McDowell | March 16, 2009
Show more