Counsel to the intervenor Insurance Bureau of Canada in an important appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada concerning the scope of judicial review arising from a decision of the Licence Appeal Tribunal. The Court affirmed that a limited statutory right of appeal does not restrict the right to judicial review.
Nina Bombier | March 15, 2024
Counsel to the court-appointed receiver in contempt proceedings on the Commercial List. Successfully obtained a finding of civil contempt and a full indemnity costs award – both of which were upheld on appeal.
Monique Jilesen, Derek Knoke, Derek Hooper, Grace Tsakas & Adam Davis | February 1, 2024
Counsel to the Canadian Council of Muslim Women in an intervention before the Supreme Court of Canada in a case pertaining to jurisdictional considerations in child custody disputes.
Paul-Erik Veel | January 1, 2024
Successful counsel to the plaintiff in upholding a trial judgment imposing liability on the Corporation of the County of Simcoe for failing to keep a roadway in a reasonable state of repair. The Court of Appeal for Ontario agreed that the plaintiff/respondent was not contributorily negligent and affirmed judgment in the amount of $16,000,000.
Tom Curry & Derek Knoke | November 24, 2023
Co-counsel to Puma in an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada arising from Caterpillar’s opposition to Puma’s trademark application for PROCAT on the basis that it is confusing with Caterpillar’s registered design trademark (CAT & Triangle Design).
Sana Halwani & Jim Lepore | March 10, 2023
Counsel to a former employee at Callidus Capital Corporation, who commenced a wrongful dismissal claim in 2017. Callidus counterclaimed against our client for $150 million, which we successfully argued to have dismissed as an “Anti-SLAPP” proceeding at the Court of Appeal. We then obtained summary judgment in the main employment action for over $1.3 million plus interest.
Peter Griffin & Jonathan McDaniel | January 2, 2023
Counsel to the successful mortgage lender in a motion to lift an interim stay of enforcement obtained by the borrowers. As well, in a series of court decisions confirming the validity of the mortgage agreements and the enforceability of a significant commercial mortgage subject to a forbearance agreement.
Madison Robins, Katelyn Leonard & Mahgol Taghivand | November 1, 2022
Counsel to the Interveners in an application involving municipal planning law. Successfully argued that the lower court’s interpretation and application of the Planning Act was overbroad. This decision was the first appellate court to confirm that two ICBLs cannot apply to the same land within the statutory cooling off period even if they are enacted for different purposes.
Andrew Parley & Amy Sherrard | October 28, 2022
Counsel to the plaintiff in an action concerning alleged de facto expropriation, misfeasance in public office, and unjust enrichment relating to the plaintiff’s efforts to develop its lands within the Halifax Regional Municipality. Successfully represented the plaintiff at the Supreme Court of Canada with the Court clarifying the test for de facto expropriation and concluding that our client’s claim for de facto expropriation could proceed to trial.
Peter Griffin, Rebecca Jones, Lars Brusven, Amy Sherrard, Jonathan McDaniel, Scott Rollwagen, Sarah Millar, Katie Glowach, Chloe Boubalos, Herschel W. Chaiet & Grace Tsakas | October 21, 2022
Counsel to a physician in rare medical malpractice case before the Supreme Court of Canada, which discussed interesting issues relating to the standard of care.
Mark Veneziano, Jaan Lilles & Sean Lewis | May 1, 2022
Counsel to the intervener Professor Ariel Katz in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada addressing the interpretation of the “making available” provision of the Copyright Act, the role of the Copyright Board of Canada in determining legal questions, and the question of when copyrights trigger entitlements to royalties.
Sana Halwani, Andrew Moeser & Alexis Vaughan | January 19, 2022
Counsel to the intervenor Insurance Bureau of Canada in widely anticipated appeal overturning trial decision that had awarded significant business interruption losses to the Insured under an all-risks policy which had arisen from the shutdown of nuclear reactor and had interrupted a supply of isotopes to the Insured.
Nina Bombier & Glenn Smith | October 5, 2021
Counsel to Grant Thornton in a successful appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada clarifying the rule of discoverability in limitation periods law across Canada.
Peter Griffin, Paul-Erik Veel & Sarah Bittman | July 29, 2021
Counsel in the successful defense of a judicial review before the Divisional Court of a Health Professions Appeal and Review Board decision regarding a physician’s use of complementary/alternative medicine.
Nina Bombier, Patrick A. Wright, Julia Flood & Tanya Rumo | January 5, 2021
Counsel to G2S2 Capital Inc., a significant creditor, in connection with a contested CBCA restructuring of Calfrac Well Services Ltd.
Peter Griffin, Lawrence E. Thacker & Derek Knoke | December 1, 2020
Counsel for physicians in a medical malpractice action. Parties entered into settlement. Plaintiffs resiled from the settlement. Successfully moved to enforce settlement and upheld result on appeal.
Chris Kinnear Hunter & Ian MacLeod | November 1, 2020
Counsel to the interveners Authors Alliance and Ariel Katz in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada addressing the issue of fair dealing and the question of whether tariffs set by the Copyright Board are mandatory.
Sana Halwani, Paul-Erik Veel, Jacqueline Chan & Anna Hucman | January 1, 2020
Counsel to the successful appellant Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries before the Court of Appeal for Ontario overturning a decision regarding the interpretation of historical corporate governance legislation related to one of Toronto’s iconic historical landmarks.
Ronald G. Slaght, Margaret Robbins, Scott Rollwagen & Jessica Starck | January 1, 2020
Counsel to a major real estate development company on appeal in a dispute relating to a large residential development and the interpretation of a restrictive covenant agreement.
Tom Curry, Andrew Parley, Matthew B. Lerner, Jonathan D. Langley & Scott Rollwagen | May 27, 2019
Counsel to the homeowners in a successful appeal to determine a question of law that the limitation period did not expire prior to the commencement of the action based on the appropriateness requirement of the discoverability provisions in the Limitations Act, 2002.
Jonathan Chen | January 30, 2019
Counsel to the successful respondent before the Ontario Court of Appeal.
Dena N. Varah & Chris Kinnear Hunter | January 1, 2019
Counsel to the respondents in an appeal from a decision of the Small Claims Court arising from the sale of a used motor vehicle.
January 1, 2019
Counsel to the Toronto Transit Commission in an appeal about the applicability of limitation periods to claims for unidentified motor vehicle coverage.
Tom Curry & Adam H. Kanji | January 1, 2019
Counsel in the successful defence of owner of the Toronto Raptors at trial of an action and on appeal alleging breach of contract with respect to the sale and reconfiguration of courtside seats.
Glenn Smith, Matthew B. Lerner & Brendan F. Morrison | September 1, 2018
Counsel to the plaintiff in the trial and appeal of an action to recover proceeds of fraud alleged to have been knowingly received from a convicted fraudster.
Tom Curry, Matthew B. Lerner, Brian Kolenda & Danielle Glatt | August 30, 2018
Counsel to the successful moving party/defendants on a motion for summary judgment, dismissing an $80 million claim alleging that a shotgun buy/sell offer did not comply with the parties' partnership agreement and amounted to a breach of fiduciary duty and oppression. Successful in upholding the result on appeal. Also successful in opposing a motion for an injunction to prevent the completion of a transaction mandated by a shotgun buy/sell offer.
Peter Griffin & Matthew B. Lerner | August 15, 2018
Retained by appeal counsel to conduct a mock appeal for an infringement case involving a patented wellbore completion method.
Sana Halwani | July 29, 2018
Counsel to the Appellant, McDonald’s, on a successful appeal at the Ontario Court of Appeal over the renewal of a commercial lease.
Ronald G. Slaght, Andrew Parley, Margaret Robbins & Megan Bradt | February 14, 2018
Counsel to Experian in an appeal to the Court of Appeal for Ontario heard February 13, 2018. Appeal was resolved before Judgment.
Peter Griffin, Tom Curry, Kelly Hayden & Megan Bradt | February 13, 2018
Counsel to the respondent on an appeal in a seminal internet defamation case. The Court of Appeal for Ontario clarified the law of concerted action liability and upheld a very large damages awards for what it characterized as a prolonged, persistent and vicious internet campaign.
Matthew Sammon & Jessica Roher | February 6, 2018
Counsel to the successful appellants/defendants in obtaining a stay of the action from the Divisional Court in a dispute over an alleged breach of a distribution agreement.
Brendan F. Morrison | January 26, 2018
Counsel to the Law Foundation of Ontario successfully responding to an appeal regarding the payment of its levy in a class action.
Tom Curry & Paul-Erik Veel | December 31, 2017
Counsel to a psychiatrist in an appeal raising the novel issue of the jurisdiction of the Consent and Capacity Board to grant remedies under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Successfully responded to the appeal.
Paul-Erik Veel & Danielle Glatt | August 17, 2017
Counsel to the Appellant Brookfield on appeal at the Ontario Court of Appeal seeking leave to Appeal from an Arbitration Award.
Ronald G. Slaght & Scott Rollwagen | June 13, 2017
Counsel to Google in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from decisions of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and British Columbia Court of Appeal in a novel case regarding the limits to be placed on injunctions granted against non-parties.
William C. McDowell, Scott Rollwagen & Madison Robins | April 30, 2017
Counsel to GE Canada Real Estate Equity in an appeal to the Superior Court of Justice and to the Court of Appeal from an arbitration award over the determination of ground lease rent for a prominent Bloor Street property.
Peter Griffin & Anne E. Posno | January 1, 2017
Counsel to Venngo in an appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal and a leave to appeal application to the Supreme Court of Canada of a decision relating to trademark infringement and passing off.
Andrew Skodyn, Melanie Baird, James S.S. Holtom & Sana Halwani | September 21, 2016
Counsel to the intervener Association of Justices of the Peace of Ontario in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada regarding judicial compensation.
Tom Curry & Paul-Erik Veel | July 2, 2015
Counsel to a series of companies in proceedings involving a receivership over commercial real estate developments and efforts to recover $110 million in funds improperly diverted. The matter involved dozens of contested motions and several appeals on a variety of commercial, real estate issue and construction law issues, including at the Supreme Court of Canada on the issue of “knowing assistance” by corporate actors.
Peter Griffin, Shara N. Roy, Paul-Erik Veel, Danielle Glatt, Christopher Yung, Madison Robins, Chloe Boubalos & J. Gwendolyn Ward | May 24, 2015
Counsel to an international organization in an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada relating to the immunities of international organizations in criminal proceedings.
Alan J. Lenczner, Scott Rollwagen & Chris Kinnear Hunter | May 9, 2015
Counsel for the defendant auditors of Sino-Forest Corporation in connection with a shareholder class action claiming damages in order of $9 billion on behalf of primary and secondary market purchasers and debt-holders. Successfully resolved proceeding and coordinated precedent setting settlement approval of a Canadian class action within the context of an ongoing CCAA proceeding. Counsel in appeals from settlement approval to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada, both of which were dismissed.
Peter Griffin & Christina Shiels-Singh | December 16, 2014
Counsel to an intervener in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the novel question of whether an internet hyperlink to a defamatory statement constitutes republication of the defamation.
William C. McDowell | November 12, 2014
Counsel to the successful respondent, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada relating to the jurisdiction of Ontario courts over a third-party claim.
Peter Griffin | June 5, 2014
Counsel to the respondents in the Supreme Court of Canada regarding an Alberta action involving a claim for breach of an implied duty of good faith, conspiracy and inducing breach of contract in respect of a commercial agreement.
Eli S. Lederman & Constanza Pauchulo | January 27, 2014
Counsel to the appellant in the Supreme Court of Canada in an interjurisdictional defamation matter. The Court’s decision in this case is one of its leading precedents in the application of public law to defamation.
William C. McDowell & Brian Kolenda | January 2, 2013
Counsel to Devonshire Trust in a case arising out of the disruption of the Canadian Asset Backed Commercial Paper market in August 2007. Devonshire Trust was successful after a lengthy trial. The Court of Appeal affirmed the trial judge's decision and found that Barclays' notice terminating the swap transaction was invalid because of Barclays' misrepresentation and bad faith.
Tom Curry, Monique Jilesen, Brian Kolenda & Christina Shiels-Singh | October 17, 2012
Counsel to an individual in a series of complex proceedings relating to the enforcement of a foreign judgment, bankruptcy, and contempt of court.
In the course of the proceeding, Lenczner Slaght was counsel to the defendant on several trials, motions, and appeals, including in what has become one of the leading cases on civil contempt.
Tom Curry, Anne E. Posno & Constanza Pauchulo | July 1, 2012
Counsel to Nu-Pharm in the Supreme Court of Canada on an appeal as to whether a party who seeks damages allegedly caused by a governmental decision must first invalidate that decision by way of judicial review in the Federal Court. (Prior to joining Lenczner Slaght)
Cynthia L. Tape | December 23, 2010
Counsel to a former director and officer of Coventree Inc. in a regulatory proceeding before the Ontario Securities Commission in connection with disclosure obligations surrounding the collapse of the Asset Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) market in Canada. Counsel in appeals to the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal.
Tom Curry, Monique Jilesen & Shara N. Roy | October 3, 2010
Counsel to successful defendant general surgeon on a dismissal of an appeal and at the trial of a medical negligence action involving a patient who suffered post-surgical complications and died.
Tom Curry & Anne E. Posno | December 1, 2009
Counsel on an appeal from a trial of an application to enforce an agreement to sell securities which were subsequently converted to shares of the TSX.
Tom Curry & Anne E. Posno | April 1, 2009
Counsel to the intervenor Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D) in the Supreme Court of Canada on an appeal concerning selection patents. (Prior to joining Lenczner Slaght)
Cynthia L. Tape | November 6, 2008
Counsel to RBC on injunction, trial, appeal and at the Supreme Court of Canada in respect of an action against departing investment advisors for a competitor.
Risa M. Kirshblum | July 7, 2007
Counsel in a trial and successful appeal of a contractual dispute involving the termination of a distributorship agreement.
Peter Griffin & Rebecca Jones | May 12, 2005
Counsel to insurer in appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada concerning interpretation of accidental death benefit in life insurance policy.
Peter Griffin & Nina Bombier | March 21, 2003
Counsel on an appeal arising from a finding of contempt.
Tom Curry & Laura Robinson | June 12, 2001
Counsel to the claimant in an appeal of an arbitration decision relating to installation of electrical transformers.
Tom Curry | June 2, 2001
Counsel to the successful respondents on an appeal from a summary judgment motion in a family law matter involving the division of assets and a dispute over whether those assets were held in trust. In June 2015, the matter proceeded to a successful two week trial and award of $8 million judgement.
Peter Griffin & Brendan F. Morrison | April 22, 2001
Counsel to the non-party appellant in a dispute over production of financial records for purposes of a valuation of a commercial enterprise.
Alan J. Lenczner & Brendan F. Morrison | April 15, 2001
Counsel to the successful appellants, BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. and BMO Trust Company, on an appeal related to withholding tax payable upon transfer of securities from a Registered Account Savings Plan account.
Mark Veneziano & Ian MacLeod | April 13, 2001
Counsel to the Law Society of Upper Canada in the prosecution of a lawyer for professional misconduct. A three member panel of the Divisional Court affirmed the decision of an Appeal Panel of the Law Society of Upper Canada that found the lawyer had committed acts of professional misconduct. The Divisional Court also confirmed his penalty of a one month suspension and its $200,000 costs award in favour of the law society.
Tom Curry, Jaan Lilles, Andrew Porter & Laura Liu Brooksbank | April 9, 2001
Counsel on appeal for the defendant physician in a proceeding alleging negligence in the treatment of a fractured wrist. The Court of Appeal's decision provided important guidance on the role of counsel in the preparation of expert reports and the limits on the production at trial of information from an expert witness's file.
Tom Curry & Jaan Lilles | April 8, 2001
Counsel to Estate Trustee During Litigation of the Paul Penna Estate in a series of proceedings, including two appeals to the Ontario Court of Appeal and a contempt trial, arising out of a massive fraud perpetrated by former Estate Trustee in his administration of the Estate.
Peter Griffin & Matthew Sammon | April 7, 2001
Counsel to the Law Society of Upper Canada in a successful appeal of a decision concerning unprofessional conduct by a barrister.
Tom Curry, Jaan Lilles, Andrew Porter & Laura Liu Brooksbank | March 22, 2001
Counsel to successful respondent in application and appeal of a matter involving the interpretation of provisions of the Business Corporations Act as applied to an agreement of purchase and sale.
William C. McDowell & Lindsay Beck | March 16, 2001
Counsel to Deloitte & Touche LLP for the appeal to the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada from a trial judgment awarding substantial damages against an accounting firm for the audit of the financial statements of Livent Inc.
Peter Griffin, Scott Rollwagen & Nina Bombier | March 14, 2001
Counsel to the interveners, Canada's six largest accounting firms, on an appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada over whether a partner is an employee of a partnership for the purposes of human rights legislation.
Peter Griffin | March 1, 2001
Counsel to Alfred Wegener Institute in a successful defence of an appeal before the Court of Appeal after obtaining an Order recognizing and enforcing an international commercial arbitral award.
Brendan F. Morrison | February 28, 2001
Counsel to an intervenor in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada regarding settlement privilege in mediation.
William C. McDowell | February 27, 2001
Counsel to the plaintiff in a defamation action involving the online publication of an article by an Israeli newspaper. Successful in responding to a motion and an appeal to stay the action due to lack of jurisdiction.
William C. McDowell | February 22, 2001
Counsel in an appeal from a trial judgment relating to the tort of unlawful conduct conspiracy.
Tom Curry | February 3, 2001
Counsel to the plaintiffs/appellants in an appeal regarding the deductibility of a non-pecuniary benefit under an automobile policy of insurance.
Dena N. Varah | January 19, 2001
Counsel to a debtor a claim for breach of contract and enforcement of security against accounts receivable, including on a motion for summary judgment and appeal.
Eli S. Lederman | January 15, 2001
Counsel to the successful appellants in an appeal concerning the limitation period for a claim against an insurer for allegedly delaying settlement of the claims of third parties against its insured and failing to pay the policy limits into an interest-bearing account to accrue for the benefit of the third parties.
Glenn Smith & Dena N. Varah | December 29, 2000
Counsel to the defendant physician in a medical negligence action at trial and on appeal in a matter relating to the treatment of menorrhagia.
Mark Veneziano & Lindsay Beck | December 25, 2000
Counsel for appellant/respondent on cross-appeal, Southcott Estates Inc., on an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the duty to mitigate losses and the availability of the remedy of specific performance in a breach of contract action.
Tom Curry & Paul-Erik Veel | December 24, 2000
Counsel to defendants/applicants, Michael Cytrynbaum and First Fiscal Management Ltd., in an application, and on appeal, for advancement of legal expenses in an action alleging breach of fiduciary duties and unjust enrichment in connection with the sale of a company's assets.
Peter Griffin & Matthew Sammon | December 21, 2000
Counsel to the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario, on a successful appeal of the issue as to whether the application judge was wrong in principle to grant judicial review and quash two decisions of the College's investigatory bodies.
Ian MacLeod & J. Gwendolyn Ward | December 19, 2000
Counsel to 407 ETR before the Supreme Court of Canada in a division of powers case regarding the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
Tom Curry & Andrew Parley | November 8, 2000
Counsel to Cineplex as intervener before the Supreme Court of Canada on case relating to copyright tariffs for various uses of musical works over the Internet. (Prior to joining Lenczner Slaght)
Sana Halwani | November 3, 2000
Counsel for the Law Society in an appeal from a Discipline Committee decision.
Tom Curry & Nina Bombier | October 15, 2000
Counsel to appellant physician on a successful appeal to Court of Appeal from a trial judgment awarding damages to plaintiffs for medical negligence arising from a surgical procedure.
Ronald G. Slaght & Dena N. Varah | October 12, 2000
Counsel for the insured in an application and appeal concerning insurer's duty to investigate and defend claims arising from the historical release of contamination pursuant to historical insurance policies.
Glenn Smith & Nina Bombier | October 5, 2000
Counsel to TSX defendants in a mining case involving allegations of negligence. Successfully moved to strike the statement of claim without leave to amend. The decision was upheld on appeal.
Peter Griffin & Andrew Parley | October 4, 2000
Counsel to the Attorney General of Canada in a negligent misrepresentation action relating to pension benefits. Successful appeal of the trial judge's apportionment of damages.
William C. McDowell & Monique Jilesen | September 26, 2000
Counsel in an application for leave to appeal and appeal from a decision of an arbitrator in a constructive dismissal action.
Jaan Lilles | September 14, 2000
Counsel for Commissioner of the OPP in judicial review proceedings in the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal for Ontario relating to hearings under the Police Services Act.
Tom Curry | September 6, 2000
Counsel in the defence of an insurance claim at trial on the basis of arson and misrepresentation. Successful in having trial judgment set aside on appeal due to failure of trial judge to make vital credibility findings.
Peter Griffin & Laura Liu Brooksbank | August 25, 2000
Counsel to Ford Credit Canada in an appeal concerning the apportionment of liability and reasonableness of damages awarded by jury.
Nina Bombier | August 24, 2000
Counsel in an appeal addressing complex limitation issues in an estate proceeding.
Matthew Sammon | August 23, 2000
Counsel to successful respondent on an appeal from a judgment finding breach of a fundamental term of a tenancy contract.
Jaan Lilles | August 19, 2000
Counsel in a successful appeal, holding 407 ETR was permitted to charge tolls for transport truck trailers under the Highway 407 Act.
Tom Curry | July 6, 2000
Counsel in an appeal concerning the jurisdiction of the Court relating to a foreign mine.
Tom Curry | July 5, 2000
Counsel in application to declare the actions of a non-share capital corporation to be ultra vires the corporation's constitution. On appeal, the Court of Appeal affirmed that the actions were ultra vires.
Tom Curry & Dena N. Varah | June 24, 2000
Counsel to the McDonald's in a successful appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board from the decision of Council for the City of Toronto to enact an Official Plan Amendment.
Mark Veneziano | June 22, 2000
Counsel for a physician in an action relating to a bus crash that had occurred as a result of conduct of a patient. Successful in opposing a motion to add the physician to the action, and in precedent-setting appeal regarding the interpretation of the Limitations Act, 2002 and the doctrine of special circumstances.
Matthew Sammon | June 21, 2000
Counsel for defendant physicians in an action relating to the in utero infection of a baby with HIV. Contested hearing and appeal concerning the scope and interpretation of a settlement offer, and whether it should be presumed to include a right to structure the lump sum payment.
Nina Bombier | June 16, 2000
Counsel in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada on the issue of cost premiums.
Rebecca Jones | May 27, 2000
Counsel in a successful appeal from a decision setting the membership of a non-share capital corporation on the basis that proper procedure had not been followed.
Dena N. Varah | May 25, 2000
Counsel in an appeal regarding the discretion of the court to restrict the ability of a trustee in bankruptcy to provide the inspectors and creditors of the bankrupt estate with access to books, records and other documents of the bankrupt.
Dena N. Varah | May 24, 2000
Counsel for a physician on a motion to prevent the addition of a physician to a medical negligence action beyond the relevant limitation period. Successful on the motion and on appeal.
Nina Bombier | May 22, 2000
Counsel in respect of an appeal of a trial judgment arising from an aborted real estate transaction.
Eli S. Lederman | May 20, 2000
Counsel in an appeal concerning oppression remedy claims.
Tom Curry & Dena N. Varah | May 10, 2000
Counsel to a physician in a medical negligence action, which included an appeal dealing the doctrine of fraudulent concealment and the limitation period applicable to claims by estates.
Tom Curry & Matthew Sammon | May 7, 2000
Counsel to a physician alleged to have failed to advise patient of her right to counsel under the Mental Health Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms when detaining the patient for psychiatric assessment. Successful at trial and on appeal.
Ronald G. Slaght, Nina Bombier & Rebecca Jones | April 28, 2000
Counsel to the successful 407 ETR in an arbitration and appeal concerning the entitlement of the 407 ETR to raise tolls without the province's approval.
Tom Curry | April 24, 2000
Counsel to two physicians on a successful motion and appeal for summary judgment in a medical negligence action.
Nina Bombier | April 5, 2000
Counsel to Call-Net Enterprises in a successful defence at trial and on appeal of claim by former senior executives that they were entitled to benefits as a result of a change of control resulting from proxy battle.
Nina Bombier | April 4, 2000
Counsel in an appeal of an insurance application concerning the obligation of the insurer to defend claim of intentional discrimination.
Nina Bombier | April 3, 2000
Counsel to Ethyl Canada in an appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal regarding the interpretation of the Access to Information Act and cabinet document privilege.
Matthew Sammon | March 31, 2000
Counsel in a successful oppression application at trial and appeal on behalf of two shareholders in a family foundation for buy-out of shares and other equitable relief.
Nina Bombier | March 28, 2000
Counsel to a hotel builder in successful action and subsequent appeal for specific performance of a commercial real estate transaction.
Alan J. Lenczner, Peter Griffin, Nina Bombier & Eli S. Lederman | March 27, 2000
Counsel in an appeal regarding the interpretation of a commercial lease.
Matthew Sammon | March 24, 2000
Counsel to the appellants in an appeal from a trial decision in which the trial judge refused to deduct statutory severance under the Employment Standards Act from an award of damages for wrongful dismissal. The appellant was successful in overturning this aspect of the judge's decision, and this became a leading case on this issue.
Risa M. Kirshblum | March 15, 2000
Counsel at trial and appeal for Lombard General Insurance Company of Canada regarding the claims of equitable restitution and contribution for losses arising from a fire in a Toronto apartment building.
Ronald G. Slaght, Mark Veneziano & Dena N. Varah | January 31, 2000
Counsel to the respondents on an appeal and cross-appeal in an action for breach of a confidentiality agreement, breach of confidence and breach of fiduciary duty arising out of a joint venture between the parties for the acquisition and operation of certain gold mines in Greece.
Alan J. Lenczner & Lawrence E. Thacker | January 22, 2000
Counsel to HMQ in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada regarding jurisdiction of superior court judges to hold hearings outside provincial borders while managing a pan-national class action. (Prior to joining Lenczner Slaght)
Lynne McArdle | January 1, 1999
Counsel to the Attorney General of Canada in a judicial review application to the Federal Court of Appeal arising from a complaint before the International Trade Tribunal in respect of a procurement on behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Counsel to the appellant Nicholas Danikas on the successful appeal of an order dismissing the action for delay.
Tom Curry & Robert Trenker
Counsel to the cross appellant Ludwig Nebel on the successful appeal of the trial judge’s decision to deny costs to the successful defendant.
Tom Curry & Robert Trenker
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